
Golden Buddah

In Not-my-street-eats, San Francisco on January 25, 2011 at 5:53 pm

Must. Not. Live. My. Life. Without. Eating. At. The. Golden. Buddah. Again.

Got it? Got it. Good.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I do miss the tasty sweet and sour flavour of a good Canadian Chinese Sweet & Sour Chicken Ball.

Yeah, I know…  vegan blog, bla bla bla. You know what I’m talking about. Don’t pretend like you don’t.

Now, it’s not every city you come across the opportunity to dine at an ALL VEGAN CHINESE FOOD RESTAURANT. Nope, not even close. This, among many, is one of the reasons I decided to visit San Francisco. This is beyond not-my-street-eats, this is one of the greatest vegan meccas of North America.


Tofu Salad

Tofu Salad doesn’t even begin to describe what’s in this solid gold rock of a food jem. I’ve never had a salad like this be so scrumptious and I doubt I ever will unless I eat here again. Which is clearly on my bucket list. Perhaps the 50 before 50 list?


Vegetable Fu-Young

More tasty deep fried treasures. I bet you’re starting to think “Daaaayum, this girl is a total binge eating maniac!” However, I was not alone. I had three others to share these appetizers with.


Fried Golden Rolls

Some of the finest spring rolls to ever grace this earth.


…aaaaand… *drum roll*…



Yeah, that’s pineapple.

Yeah, it was perfect.

Yeah, it changed my life.


/end scene.








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