

In Not-my-street-eats on October 30, 2009 at 4:17 pm

Lots of Berries from Purcells Pond Walk

Purcells Cove Huckle Berries

Around the end of August the Nova Scotia Nature Trust had a conservation celebration for the Captain Arnell Conservation Lands in Purcells Cove. After the celebration some very well educated nature buffs from the Museum of Natural History and the Halifax Field Naturalists took us through the freshly saved land! Berries were everywhere, especially Huckle Berries! I have never had them before, but you know me, I’m a sucker for wild berries. I deviated from the group many time, sucked in with the sweet little gems. No regrets.

Plums on Bauer Street

Bauer Street Plums

Early September launched the discovery of these perfect little purple plums in my neighbourhood! All the parking was taken on North Park, so on Sarah’s first day back in Nova Scotia we whipped around the corner to park on Bauer street. One of Halifax’s cutest little streets. When I hopped out of the car I was shocked to find us parked below a plum tree! Bright chartreuse on the inside, the fruit falls right off the pit. When they are ripe they are soft to the touch and solid dark purple, like an eggplant. These plums shine up so brightly, I cannot wait for next summer to eat more. I must have eaten dozens of these aubergene baubles of joy.


Buddydaye Street Raspberries

Another sunny summer day, walking down through the north end, enjoying the sights… my radar went up when I saw raspberry leaves poking through a tall white fence. I only scored maybe four berries, it was late in their season around here. Holy moly they were tasty though. Better than nothing, that’s for sure!


Ohio Lake Blackberries

A little summer vacation in Ohio, Nova Scotia lead me to these beauties. Many of these beauties. Plump, juicy, decadent blackberries at the side of a lake. Fantastic.

I love Nova Scotia.



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